Our Services

Telecommunication Industry

About Our Services

Neotrix offers international long distance services to carriers around the world. They have a robust network that spans the globe, and they are committed to providing their customers with high-quality, reliable service. Neotrix's strong network and partnerships make it well-positioned to compete in different countries.

The global long distance market is growing rapidly, as businesses and individuals become more interconnected. This is due to the increasing use of video conferencing, cloud computing, and other technologies that require international communication.

Benefits of using Neotrix's international long distance services:

Our Benefits

Competitive Rates

Competitive Rates

Offers competitive rates on international long distance calls.

Global Reach

Global Reach

Neotrix can connect you with anyone in the world.

Customer Service

Customer Service

Dedicated to providing excellent customer service.


Communications Network

Neotrix communications network is powered by a combination of technologies. This integrated combination of technologies provides Neotrix's customers with crystal clear interconnections and direct access to their route usage with statistical reporting. This can help customers to optimize their spending and get the most out of their telecommunications services.

The company's communications network is a reliable and efficient way to transmit data. The company's use of a combination of technologies ensures that its customers have access to the best possible service and also committed to providing its customers with the best possible service.